In the month of July we perform thinning , being one of our goals to produce with a low yield per hectare, and, depending on the weather conditions, we carry out treatments for the control of molds and pests. Of course, sunny weather is a MUST.

September is the month of harvest which usually takes place over two weeks. We harvest the grapes when they are perfectly ripe, that is when the balance of acidity and sugar is perfect and the aromas and aromas are at their maximum. As the harvest period approaches, we daily analyze the acidity and sugars of the grapes. Then we collect the grapes, strictly by hand, we place them in boxes and then bring them to the cellar where they are pressed. The Moscato grapes are the first to be harvested. The harvest of the reds is instead successive: it begins with the Dolcetto and, at the end of October, the Nebbiolo is harvested.


By the end of October it usually starts to rain and it is therefore wise to clean up the wells and drainage channels, especially in the terraced parts of the vineyards.

In October and November the average temperature drops and the vines are first colored with colors from yellow , red and brown and gradually drop the leaves.

The atmosphere becomes magical. The fog covers the valleys below. A white blanket like cotton lets out only the top of the hills, the bell towers of the churches of Neive, Barbaresco, Coazzolo, Castagnole delle Lanze and Mango.